Catatan harian thesis #6


Jumat, 16 September 2016.
Hari ini kami ingin mencoba strategi yang telah kami diskusikan semalam agar kerja kami menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien yakni kami akan menggelar rollmeter dan memberikan pancang (bambu) sebagai tandanya agar pada siang harinya kami tinggal datang ke lokasi tersebut dan melakukan pengambilan data atau sampling secara langsung (tidak harus menggelar transek dan menunggu beberapa saat agar air nya kembali seperti semula). Mas Tyo dan saya yang berjaga di pos lah yang menjadi penanggung jawab terhadap untuk melakukan marking. Kami meminjam kayak kepada Pak Ratno untuk membawa bambu-bambu (pancang) ke lokasi atau site kami. Ditengah perjalanan menuju rumah Pak Ratno kami melewati jalan yang tergenang air akibat rob, banjir yang disebabkan oleh air pasang dari laut. Kami mengendarai kendaraan dengan hati-hati. Namun, siapa sangka di tengah perjalanan kami menemukan Horseshoe crab atau yang akrab dikenal dengan mimi. Saya yang selalu membawa kamera akhirnya mengabadikan mimi yang kami temui di jalan.

Mimi has persisted for more than 200 million years (Anderson and Surter, 2003). One of the ancient species that still exist until now, unfortunately, the number of this species declined and is predicting even further.


Locally (Timbulsloko) called it Mimi. Globally we called it Horseshoe crab or Limulus polyphemus. The horseshoe crab is one of the vulnerable species on the IUCN red list. It is reported that the abundance of this species declining over the time foremost in Mid-Atlantic Region. Unluckily, it has also happened in Indonesia. In Bali, people called it Penyon. Local people usually hunt them and served as fried food. They said, the taste so delicious. In Balikpapan, they called it Mimi lan mintuno, in Bun port they called in Blankas. Actually, it is highly distributed in Indonesia. But, it is not recorded as vulnerable species or species that need to be protected. Have a chance to learn in the field for approximately in three months will teach me a lot of things. Not only about knowledge or science itself, but only on how to interact with local people about their habit, their culture and the way they thinking particularly.

Back to the story about what we have done today. Daniel cannot join sampling, by then we only have three personal, Mas Tyo, Mas Arif and I. I myself, to be honest, fell a bit exhausted but I cannot just express in front of my teammate. As a principal investigator, I have to be responsible and have to be strong. We have collected data in three sampling sites and identified fish species. We found several species but not too much, low abundance. We found Seriding (Apodon anaetiatus) and giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon). Additionally, we have marked sampling site by using a bamboo. In practice, this method will make it faster for the next sampling because we spend a lot of time to marking. If we have it already, means that we can do it for more sampling sites.

After having a small dinner at the guest house, we are going outside village looking for fresh air and eat Sate (chicken with peanut sauce) and closed the night with small evaluation time before we went to bed.

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