Student of FPIK UB Win Paper Competition 2012

Agustin Capriati, a student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Department of Fisheries and marine Resource Utilization won the first place in paper competition 2012. The event was held on Decembe 4 2012 in Jakarta. Agustin won the first place, from more than 80 participants.

The paper competition is participated by several universities such as UGM, ITB, IPB, UI, Universitas Taiwan and Universitas Tokyo. The paper competition is participated by S1 and S2 (Master) students. On the second place is a student from UGM, and third winner is a student from ITB. The student, from class of 2010, presents a paper on the solution to oil spill on the ocean. Agustin uses waste made of enceng gondok (water hyacinth) to absorb oil spill that can pollute the environment and marine biota.

Because of the achievement, Agustin will receive funding by oil company to develop her research. The research process will be performed in East Java sea. On May 2013, she will be invited to Australia, representing Indonesia to present the result of his research to world oil organization. “I feel grateful for the achievement in paper competition 2012. Me and the guiding lecturer will try our best to keep environmental preservation and bring the good name of UB. Hopefully, this research can work optimally with support from various elements in FPIK UB,” as said by Agustin. [ponda/translated by yasmeen] 



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