Dasar-dasar pertanyaan ekologi

Bagi kebanyakan ecologist memang tulisan ini bersifat general dan sebagai dasar-dasar untuk menjadi seorang ecologist. Pertama-tama bagi kawan-kawan yang sedang bingung yang dalam proses pengerjaan skripsi, tesis ataupun riset sejenis, saya ingin berbagi pengalaman sedikit. Saya lulusan dari fakultas perikanan dan ilmu kelautan dari Universitas Brawijaya. Beberapa mata kuliah yang ditawarkan pun sangat beragam, mahasiswa juga bisa memilih Read more about Dasar-dasar pertanyaan ekologi[…]

Nature may be able to repair themselves

“Nature may be able to repair themselves.” One sentence that reminds me to my lecturer (during my bachelor). At that time, I learn about how to conserve nature, marine biodiversity in particular. Theoretically, there are plenty methods to conserve marine biodiversity from small to large scale, from genetic diversity, species, community, ecosystem and so forth. Read more about Nature may be able to repair themselves[…]

Field Practical to Texel, Den Helder, Netherland.

My first field trip was starting on 9-11 September 2015. One of my course, marine systems, provide field trip to Texel, Den Helder. My group consist of 4 persons. There was a new experience, where if in undergraduate all the things was accommodated by assistant and supervisor to go to the field trip location and opposite, in master degree, each individual Read more about Field Practical to Texel, Den Helder, Netherland.[…]